The best logistic specialist, becoming advanced logistic infrastructured freight forwarder

IMAX Freight Company is focused on providing accurate and reliable service in all areas as a leader of total logistics provider. (As one of the leading international logistics providers IMAX Freight Company Is acutely aware of the great importance of a reliable and dependable service in all phases of the Operation.)



 IMAXFC 입니다.



 TSA(미 교통안전청)의 새로운 Regulation에 따른 조치로서 6/30 이후 모든 미국발 화물기에 Screening Fee가 적용될 예정입니다


 일시 : 2021 6 30 (수요일) ETD 기준

 내역 : Screening Fee



 ※KE/OZ 공문 첨부